Friday, February 10, 2017


Word ik toch op mijn wenken bediend. Het lijkt die oude reclame van een bezorgbedrijf wel: Dat is snel, lijkt Overtoom wel!
Eergisteren heb ik een blog geplaatst die oproept tot verzet tegen de verloedering die wereldwijd en ook in ons land toe lijkt te slaan (zie Tijd voor verzet. Best spannend!) en dan staat er vandaag paginagroot een oproep in de krant die de zwijgende meerderheid oproept te laten horen dat wij (de overgrote meerderheid van Nederland) hechten aan fatsoen, genoeg hebben van geschreeuw, kotsten van politiek bedrijven door collega's belachelijk te maken, walgen van het met droge ogen verkondigen van leugens, hechten aan een goed functionerende rechtsstaat, niet willen dat rechters die gewoon volgens de wet hun beroep uitoefenen persoonlijk aangevallen worden, het belang inzien van een vrije pers en vrijheid van meningsuiting en mensen met een andere mening respecteren.
Wie dat allemaal ook vindt, moet als de bliksem naar de website en die actie ondersteunen door ook te tekenen. En . . . blijf je uitspreken. De strijd is nog maar net begonnen. We zullen winnen! 

1 comment:

  1. you will be pleased to hear that I have sent of my stembiljet this morning and hope it will contribute to an political equilibrium in the low countries for which I care very dearly !
    I have been following the important commentary via the media , and it looks like a one horse race , in fact the pvv has already won , the political arguments have come so close to those of wilders ! and will calibrate the political focus in time to come he is a kind of nigel farage nederland style but with a bullet proof vest !a man who we all secretly admire , if it was only for his courage .a man who nobody would swap places with , and is probably more admired abroad then in his own country . I hope for his own sake that he won't be the next premier minister . with an hostile media ready to jump on him from a great hight

    I cannot help but sensing victory for wilders by looking at how desperate the opposition has become , and desparate measures like " wij zijn nederland " which you highlite inyour blogg , with all sorts of bkn'rs crawling out of the woodwork and boring people with their advice, needless to say that each one of them have an vested intrest in a open liberal society .thats why they have their mugs on the web .

    the big question is ; do we still want to be tolerant ?
    perhaps not a fair question to ask , a woman from almere who is called a whore when she goes out , or a homo couple who are beaten within a inch of their live by young moslim thugs in osdorp . and where are all these wij zijn nederland , characters then , living in their ivery towers , in baarn , laren , or bussum etc. and choosing to ignore these incidents through their media and social circles , these are not real dutch citizens , these are creatures living in an elite parallel society , looking down their noses to the rest .
    fortunately there are a few poeple who see what's going on !europe is a lost cause now , a basket case , rather than fighting islam they choose to commit cultural suicide , they starve their law abiding citizens with high taxes and gorge an invading army of islam and economic migrants on massive social programs , and europes devotion to the failed religion of multiculturalism and political correctness not only encourages these characters but will hasten its downfall !

    Ignoring a man like wilders , is like shunning the guy on the titanic who sees water in the forward bulkhead
